Thursday, September 9, 2010

Trip to the Dog Park with Hunter

Madeline loved going to the dog park!
She would walk around holding her arms out to the dogs, laughing at them.
Then she got really sleepy and we were able to catch a few good tree poses. :)

Our Spaghetti-Lovin Girl

Spaghetti is her favorite meal!
She loooooves noodles! She likes to suck them up like Lady and the Tramp.
Her fake laugh when she's just trying to get attention.
Full tummy and gettin' sleepy :)

Swimmin at Aunt Vicki's House

Madeline has loved getting in the water this summer. At first we got her a little floating boat to sit in (the ones where their legs go through the holes into the water) and she was too afraid to sit in it by herself. But by the end of the summer, she would point to her little boat, wanting to float around or have Daddy push her around the pool making motor sounds. :)