Saturday, May 23, 2009

The room is complete!

More belly pics!!

These pics were taken today. I'll be 38 weeks on Memorial Day.

This was me last week at David's birthday party (a guy in our church small group) and I was competing in a pellet gun shooting contest. The theme of the party was David's favorite gun and everyone had to wear camo and bring bullets for his gift. It was super fun!

Who says women can't shoot?! Especially pregnant ones! :)

Finally!! I promised belly pictures, and here they are. :) This is me at almost 38 weeks pregnant, standing next to Madeline's crib. It's hard to believe that she's technically full-term now and could decide to grace us with her presence any day now! We're getting so excited!! We can't wait to see her for the first time. I'm still pretty comfortable at this point. Sometimes I get achey if I sit for too long, which also causes some fun swelling of the ankles. But Ken is awesome about going walking with me throughout the week, so hopefully my labor will be short and not too painful.